Questionnaire on crime drama genre
1. Please circle your gender
2. Please circle your age range
0 – 1617 – 21
22 – 30
31 – 45
45 +
3. How often do you go to see a film at the cinema ?
Once a weekOnce a month
Once every two months
Once every six months
4. What is your preferred genre?
(You may choose more than one)
Science Fiction
5. What form of advertising would encourage you to go to watch a crime drama?
( You may choose more than one )
Billboard posters
Internet advertising
Television advertising
Magazine articles
6. What conventions of crime drama do you prefer?
( You may choose more than one )
Multiple suspects
Professionals solving the crime eg. police officers
The crime itself
Exploring the crime scene
Evaluating the evidence
7. Do you prefer the police
officer in charge / private detective to be
8. Do you prefer the villain
to be
Question 5
9. Do you prefer
To have the crime as the opening scene
To be introduced to the characters before seeing the crime
Analysis of questionnaire
I gave this questionnaire to 40 people.
I chose a representative cross section in order to get a fair
Question 1
I gave the survey to 20 male and 20 females.
Question 2
I took a representative sample of age ranges
0 – 16 4 people
17 – 21 22 people
22 – 30 6 people
31 – 45 7 people
45 + 1 person
The majority of those questioned are of a similar age to me.
Question 3
To the question - how often do you go to the cinema - I received the following answers :
Once a week 1
Once a month 16
Once every two months
Once every six months
Never 5
Other 3
The people who ticked other all said that they went very
infrequently, maybe with several years’ gaps. One said that they only went on a
special occasion such as a birthday, and another said that they only went if a
particular film really caught their attention.
The majority of the people who went regularly were from the age
categories 17 – 21 and 22 – 30. These people have a reasonable amount of money
as they are earning and can afford the entrance fees. Also they do not have as
many commitments due to family ties so have more spare time.
Question 4
The answers to the question on preferred genre threw up an
assortment of answers as this is a matter of individual choice. Some people circled
more than one option.
Action 18
Adventure 16
Comedy 9
Fantasy 3
Gangster 10
Romance 1
Science fiction 8
Only 1 person chose romance . This was a female and I feel
Action films were the most popular choice, and people who
identified these also liked adventure movies and in some cases gangster movies.
These tended to be males of the 17 – 21 and 22 – 30 age range.
The score for Fantasy films was surprisingly low, and all
these came from the 0 – 16 age range.
Science fiction was enjoyed again mainly by the younger age
All the people who enjoyed crime drama came from the age
ranges from 17 onwards.
Question 5
The answers to the advertising question again reflected the
age of the people.
Billboard posters 15
Internet advertising appealed to age ranges of 17 – 30,
reflecting the use of the internet by this age range. Television advertising
appealed to all age ranges, but in particular the older age ranges. Magazine
advertising was mainly appealing to 17 – 21 age range as they would be the target
audience for magazines where films would be advertised.
Question 6
The answers to the question on conventions of crime drama was
Multiple suspects
Professionals solving the crime eg. police officers 16
The crime itself
Exploring the crime scene
Evaluating the evidence
The results show that people watching a crime drama enjoy
being introduced to the characters and analysing the evidence in order to try
to solve the mystery for themselves. They want to become intrinsically involved
in the plot. Very few were watching for the crime itself.
Question 7
Do you prefer the police officer in charge / private detective to be
Male 34
Female 16
Stereotypically we think of police officers and detectives as
men and the majority of those questioned preferred this to be maintained.
All of those who preferred a woman police officer were
Question 8
Do you prefer the villain to be
Male 35
Female 5
The vast majority preferred the villain to be a man. This
fits in with the stereotypical image of females being kind and gentle, not
capable of a crime.
Question 9
Do you prefer
To have the crime as the opening scene 29
To be introduced to the characters before seeing the crime 11
The majority preferred to be introduced to the crime
immediately and then meet the suspects. I think that this is so they can begin
to analyse
the characters immediately, knowing what has happened.
The target audience for my crime/drama film is males from the ages of 18 to 30. Even though I believe that my film would appeal to most people, I have chosen to use 18 to 30 year olds as my main target audience. My target audience would not be below 18 as I will explore some intense themes in my film. I have chosen to target older teenagers and adults in social classes B+A. This would mean they are in the high end of their careers e.g. lawyers. This would mean they are extremely intelligent and would be able to follow all the complex themes and story plots that will be created in my film. They would understand the plot of the crime/drama. My target audience enjoys going out with friends to the cinema to watch films. They are very sociable. They would have an outgoing personality and are very interested in law and the legal side to crimes.
This will aid me in producing a film opening as it has given me insight into the mind of my target audience and what they expect from this genre of film. I will have to ensure that my film opening contains all the key signifiers that this audience will expect in order to entice them into the film.
The target audience for my crime/drama film is males from the ages of 18 to 30. Even though I believe that my film would appeal to most people, I have chosen to use 18 to 30 year olds as my main target audience. My target audience would not be below 18 as I will explore some intense themes in my film. I have chosen to target older teenagers and adults in social classes B+A. This would mean they are in the high end of their careers e.g. lawyers. This would mean they are extremely intelligent and would be able to follow all the complex themes and story plots that will be created in my film. They would understand the plot of the crime/drama. My target audience enjoys going out with friends to the cinema to watch films. They are very sociable. They would have an outgoing personality and are very interested in law and the legal side to crimes.
This will aid me in producing a film opening as it has given me insight into the mind of my target audience and what they expect from this genre of film. I will have to ensure that my film opening contains all the key signifiers that this audience will expect in order to entice them into the film.
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