How does your media product represent
particular social groups?
Our media product doesn't represent many social groups in stereotypical ways which stays true to the drama generic conventions. This adds a sense of realism to our product which makes it a more appealing and more successful product.

Gender-In our opening we do not portray gender in either biased form, however in the rest of the film we intended to use the male hierarchy as our guideline. This would mean that the male actors in our films would be less dominant and the males would have more control. This will create a positive stereotype for males but a negative one for females. This means that our product is going to appeal to more males than females. In our opening we used several low angles on our male actor to create a sense of his power and dominance, if we were to have used a female in our piece then we would have used slight high angles on her to create a sense of insignificancy. We do have some representations of age in our piece but there are no stereotypes of age e.g. older men/women are wiser or more clumsy. Sexuality, ethnicity and disability are not portrayed in our piece as we felt that this would be a stereotypical view on the film institutions where there is a stereotypical view on all social groups.
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