What have we learnt about technologies.
Through this we learnt different techniques on how to film different types of films using the different shots and angles. The cameras we used were able to focus and zoom in on different aprts of a scene so we were able to create a more dynamic effect in our film. In our film we had a series of very simplistic shots that didnt require any special devices i.e. dolly. This allowed us to experiment with more ways and techniques with filming.
Whilst editing we used iMovie, which is a fairly standard piece of editing software. However there is alot of different ways to edit using different techniques to get a better quality product. Although we have managed to create a fairly good looking piece, there is still alot that we can learn from the software. We could also learn how to use Final Cut Pro, which is another editing programme on the MAC computer.
group worked well as a team. We corrected each-others' mistakes and we helped
each other with the understanding of how to create films. When we were editing
we each explained to each other hhow we thought each cut should go, we listened to each other and built on each others comments to create in our opinion a good quality piece.
equipment we used was rather simple to use however it did take our group a
while to learn to use the editing software on the mac computers. However once
we had learned how to use it we soon were able to edit more efficiently. The
editing skills we used became more complex and the flow of the film was
Whilst filming there were several problems that we had to overcome, which were the fact that we couldnt lower the tripod to a low enough level so we had to go freehand with the camera and lay on the ground which created a good looking shot, but it did cause the shot to be a little shaky as we couldnt hold the camera still.
Using blogger to log our work was very helpful as we were able to retrace our steps if we misplaced a storyboard or shotlist. This helped us to keep on track with our film and get it done in as short a time as possible and still be able to create a high quality piece.
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